Sunday, October 5, 2008

Doggy Talk On Weight And Starvation

Dr. A: Helllllo! how is our Timmy doing today?

(Timmy shivering silently.)

Me: Wonderful doctor, no complaints.

Dr. A: Good, is he ready for a couple of shots?

(aaaarrrr... a tiny moan from Timmy)

Dr. A: He's overweight Nina.... dogs his size should be around thirteen pounds and Timmy is seventeen.

Me: Doctor can I tell you something, please don't think I am a pshyco...... my dogs talk to me.....they bark in different tones and expect me to understand.... and I do. They ask for food.

(Dr. A pokES Timmy in the tummy......)

Dr. A: Nina that's normal. When I go home my cat and dog talk to me, they talk to me all the time. But control Timmy and Lucy's portions. Till date, and I have been a vet for a verrrrry long time, I have never seen a dog die of starvation.

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