Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Evenings And Hot Chocolate By The Fireplace

It’s fall now, and temperatures in New York are steadily dropping though not too bad at the moment. We did have some sunshine in between but it seems the rain and dark cloudy skies have been here forever. The backyard looks all misty and dark in the rain through the glass windows in our kitchen.

Every Friday we try a different soup from a recipe book we bought at Barnes and Nobles, and last week it was Avocado with a touch of lemon and coconut water. Add hot bowl of pasta with shrimp to the menu…and we have some very happy faces around the kitchen table. I love this interaction at dinner... good food, conversation where the kids learn something every day and we get to know what is happening in their lives, and so many silly jokes and laughter.

Come November, and it’s a ritual for us to get the fireplace going; we love to cozy up in the den next to the crackling fire. Though I miss the baby days of my girls, with Nick, I am reliving those days all over again. Cuddling up with the baby in our den, the girls lounging next to us, the dogs all curled up, fuzzy throws, after dinner hot chocolate with marshmallows…. hmm how I adore the Friday and Saturday evenings of Fall!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

That Swim Meet Will Happen Again

The birthday bashes my parents planned for me bordered on the extravaganza. Just days before one such party (and I was in the third grade then) I started running a high fever. In no time at all measles was confirmed.

The cake was given away, the prizes for the games stashed in the cupboard for next year; the birthday dress was stored for later use. Cancellation messages were sent out to friends and relatives.

I cried my heart out, as if my world had come to an end.

Anna is a good swimmer, she practices diligently. This week she was all set to take part in her first swim meet of the season. But her dream has been shelved for the moment. Poor Anna is down with a bout of flu and cough. This morning when I saw her staring pensively at the window, I knew what was going through her mind. A major case of bad luck bordering on devastation.

 But in retrospect it is nothing really. Wednesday will come and go, Anna will be feeling terrible all day, but there will be other swim meets in the future. In time she will learn that life is usually generous and gives more opportunities to make up for the lost chances.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Sincere Worker

“Hey Anna & Mia, we are expecting guests in the evening. Let’s clean up the den.”

Mia flopping down on the rug, “I’m feeling sick Mamma.”

After a few seconds, peering at me from half closed eyes….. “Well, did it work?”

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Doggy Talk On Weight And Starvation

Dr. A: Helllllo! how is our Timmy doing today?

(Timmy shivering silently.)

Me: Wonderful doctor, no complaints.

Dr. A: Good, is he ready for a couple of shots?

(aaaarrrr... a tiny moan from Timmy)

Dr. A: He's overweight Nina.... dogs his size should be around thirteen pounds and Timmy is seventeen.

Me: Doctor can I tell you something, please don't think I am a pshyco...... my dogs talk to me.....they bark in different tones and expect me to understand.... and I do. They ask for food.

(Dr. A pokES Timmy in the tummy......)

Dr. A: Nina that's normal. When I go home my cat and dog talk to me, they talk to me all the time. But control Timmy and Lucy's portions. Till date, and I have been a vet for a verrrrry long time, I have never seen a dog die of starvation.