Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hunger Games

Watched Hunger Games with the kids this evening to celebrate a birthday in the family. Intense. Loved it. Jennifer Lawrence was awesome.

Somehow the combo of a movie evening and dinner, manages to pull our family closer. Busy in our different worlds of school, work, being a mom, running errands, we drift away from each other during the week. Weekends draw us within the circle. TGIF. Cheers for Saturday and Sunday.

Friday, March 23, 2012

"Goodnight Moon"

The pups are in their beds. They sleep through the night, snoring gently and guard the house in the morning. Not a soul can pass in peace.

The girls are done for the day, they drifteded off the moment they hit the beds. No more texting or computers till early morning. The little boy sleeps with a smile on his face and rumpled hair. He bid a sleepy adieu to the moon. I hope he dreams of fun things.

The house sleeps too! Goodnight:)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Career choice Gorilla

A three and a half year old announced that he is training to be a gorilla, banging chest, loopy jumps ......all the way. That was yesterday. Today he is a giraffe - last year's Halloween costume is the inspiration I guess. Few weeks back he alternated between a stegosaurus and the mighty Rex.