Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Goody-two-shoes Brother!

My 15-month-old son seems to be set for the terrible twos.

In retro, my daughters were little angels with barely any hint of mischief. Little Nick on the other hand has taken resort to nipping (did he learn it from the dogs?), bawling and has an amazing flair for dramatics from an early age.

Folks do one thing at a time but Nick on the go means all at once…. Somewhat like a home run. Munching from the dog bowl.......….. Ripping out a page from Anna’s notebook … running away with Mia’s pencil, all with a smile on his cherub face.

I used to get annoyed with unmanageable kids, proud that my girls rarely fiddled with stuff in any house. But Nick’s antics have diffused my pride. I truly hang my head in shame ….. sigh….what a darling child…..innocent innocent baby!!!!!!

As for my girls, I heard them singing in chorus:

“…..BUT my goody-two-shoes brother, the favorite of my mother,
Is the one I want to smother in a ton of pigeon goo!
Yes, my goody-two-shoes brother,
the favorite of my mother,
Is the one I want to smother………..”

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Pup Learns Her "R"

Mia was teaching Lucy alphabets the other day! Yes, Lucy, our pup. Amazing isn’t it? And while she tried to polish the performance of her star student, I watched the show from a corner in the kitchen. And you know what, I was truly impressed. Something the Dog Whisperer might be interested in....

Miss Lucy was given a doggy treat every other minute, and Mia would ask Lucy a question while trying to pull the treat out of her mouth...“Lucy what comes after Q”? And inevitably Lucy would reply with a low menacing growl…..gRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

We sure have some intelligent pups in the household. Mia was grounded for the day, Lucy was given a bone for exceptional intelligence.