Wednesday, November 26, 2008

May Your Turkey Be Plump!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers! Posting a poem forwarded by a friend, as far as my knowledge goes it's anonymous.

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

My daughter Anna is preparing the sweet corn for Thursday's dinner! And Mia was appalled to see the hundreds of "fresh young turkeys" packaged at Costco. I have given her a mom's viewpoint (we always have explanations for most stuff), but she is steadfast about banning cruelty to all living creatures. I have a tough job saving the cricket in the garage, the baby rabbits in my backyard......but am secretly proud that my eight year old has a kind and loving heart.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Endless List

Some days I feel overwhelmed with pending chores. It helps to jot down the list as lately my memory has started playing tricks.

1. Schedule annual physicals for the kids; send the reports to the school nurse. Nursie will fry me otherwise.
2. Vaccination for the dogs.
3. Schedule recommended car maintenance
4. Car wash – my truck feels like a dumpster….Timmy peed on his way to the vet, Mia spilled coke, a month of paper accumulation…. The other day my husband was horrified when he boarded the truck.
5. Email friends who think I have forgotten them. I do remember you guys, but I am an exhausted mother of three lovable and spirited kids and two hyper doggies.
6. Call to say thanks for all the thoughtful gifts for my newborn. Mail thank you notes.
7. Buy a music book for my 8 year old. The next Yo Yo Ma. The drive is just 15mins.
8. Order winter jackets….the kids are shooting up too fast.
9. Start planning for the annual party.
10. Pick up some grocery……need a meal plan for dinner…
11. Due for a manicure and pedicure….. feels like I have trekked on the Sahara for a week.
12. Meeting the deadline at work.

Staying current on our chores is a massive chore in itself. How do we manage?.....Have we become machines or love slogging away? Or do we manage because of our love and commitment that comes with being a mom and wife?